Sunday, March 18, 2007

Rosa Galisteo de Rodríguez

Rosa Galisteo de Rodríguez is the name of the fine arts museum gazing over the Provincial Congress on the south part of Santa Fe de la Vera Cruz. Its pink color makes it very easy to locate even if traveling at normal pace by General López Avenue and invites the passers passersby in a most natural fashion to come in and take a look.

An annual contest is held by the Province, and its results exposed to the public at the museum around the first week of March. This was not the case this year because a much needed work on the building left us waiting for the opening until the sixteenth, leaving a shorter time for the jury to make their minds before the traditional announcement of March the twentyfifth (Argentinian National Holiday).

Apart from the works that make it through the contest, the museum has collected a more than fair ammount of pieces of its property, from which a few are selected monthly for display. A much acclaimed exhibition of those assets was "Bread and fish," which gathered all kinds of pictures on that topic, from XVth century Europe to the 1990s in our Litoral.

As of the second half of March 2007, four of the seven public rooms are devoted to the display of works in current year's contest. You are received by two colorful, big size works on acrilic painting, a sort of celebration of the argentinian meat production -great cows that appear made up of white and light blue straps- by Gabriela Pertovt.

The central hall features some shocking industrial oils, single colored figures on dark backgrounds by Sara Nico and Carolina Parral. On the same hall you are presented a more political work on light colored oils by Benito Postogna, which are very down to the point and yet effective. Also of note, some cyan images of media-intoxicated Heavens hung in series not trying to suggest movement but augmenting each other.

The West wing is all about black and white, be it pen-on-paper or graphite, bidimensional or very threedish. The works of Carlos Asiain are pervasive and display his ability as a seasoned artist.

The East wing may be started or finished by visiting the metallic works of Fernanda Aqueva, helped by the strongly colored walls. Next to it, a quite cinical Juan Carlos Eberhardt shares his views of world wide politics ("Todos los hombres"), some weird stories ("El Señuelo", "El escondite") and a sensibility for the female body ("Esa", "Chicas"). This side of the exhibit is closed by Lisandro Pierotti's pen traces on ordinary sheets of paper which may or may not constitute art to different visitors.

Even after the works on the building and the installation of a very modern lift, it must be stressed that the unfortunate maps under the frames of the West wing, are not part of the art pieces at all, but just plain wall humidity. Personel is scarse and unhelpful, with a tendency to reduce the visiting hours (they would not let anybody in half an hour before close time), and there are no guided visits or guidance whatsoever. Nevertheless, it still proves to be a trip to past and current santafesinian art, worth recommending.

First assignment

I'll have to write a review of a museum of my choice, of 300 to 350 words, neutral in style. It should take up to one hour, including five minutes for planning.

Antonia and I will visit the Rosa Galisteo Museum in order to produce some material.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Starting up!

One of my favourite santafesinian insititutions is "Asociación Argentina de Cultura Inglesa de Santa Fe," where I spent no less than eleven of my childhood/teen age years learning English. Now my daughter, Antonia, is eight and I want her to discover both the language and the place.

So opportunity arose for me to get back to English school and even though I haven't actually ever sat for First Certificate nor for CAE, my teacher does believe I can make it through CPE. Do I believe I'm prepared? Clearly no. Not for now at least.

The mission can be defined very simply: get from Amateur to Proficient in 10 months' time. And YOU can help me!
  • If you are proficient in the language of the brits, then drop a comment and feel free to correct my grammar, vocabulary and register.
  • If you study like me, please start any and every kind of discussion on best sites, ways and tips for accomplishing the mission.